So many Jobs! Where are the ‘job-ready’ Candidates?

A common myth in today’s competitive job market is: “Oh! Poor me! What else can I do to land a good job? There ain't enough jobs in the job market.” And this has been the excuse that leads to myriads of failure stories. Candidates search for jobs, build their resumes, apply for umpteen number of jobs – almost like a bot mechanically filling applications one after another, and if they are lucky they get the coveted interview calls. But after so much of travail, the travel doesn't meet its destiny. Candidates like you try hard, and then harder, yet miss that one single step. This step is all about making yourself job-ready.

Of course, due to the changing economy, new age job opportunities are different. There has been a lot of automation in manufacturing, service sector enterprises getting into IT-enabled business models, and on top of that Artificial Intelligence is ushering in an era when most, if not all, manual, low-skilled jobs would be taken away by robotic arms and IoT based systems. That is why there is a need to upskill yourself to keep tab with the demands of changing time. Gone are the days when low paying low skilled jobs would provide you back breaking careers. In this information age, an IT job is commensurate with your abilities.

Tech Jobs - Supply & Demand Imbalance (Greater Nashville area)
When it comes to IT jobs, there is no dearth of opportunities. Lab Four shares with you a standing supply-demand status of jobs in selected job-profiles that are available in the Greater Nashville area. The above infographics show that the job market today has more jobs than there are candidates searching for those jobs. And this is not just a snapshot in time or one-time phenomenon. This trend persists over time and across most job categories, especially so in the domain of tech jobs. And this demand-supply imbalance exists because of the skill-gap that we talked about in one of our earlier blogs (Bridge the Skill-Gap).

Hot Jobs in the Greater Nashville area
If you key in certain IT and computer-oriented job profiles you can see that so many jobs are being posted by employers whereas we do not have enough candidates for them. If you are aiming for such careers in IT, and yet lack that training necessary to make you a job-ready candidate, we can help. At Lab Four Professional Development Center the state-of-the-art classroom infrastructure, high-quality innovative learning solutions, and internet-based online accessibility have enabled us to cater to your learning needs the way it suits you – on campus classroom training, remotely accessible live online classes, or simply on-demand learning that gives you more freedom. Our experienced career coaches can review your resume and conduct mock interviews to make you job-ready. And then you could be the right candidate the hiring managers in top IT companies are waiting for.

For more information, please get in touch with us and let us know how we may help you in making you the trained and certified job-ready candidate. 

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