Bridge the Skill-Gap: Get Trained in IT, Land your Dream Job!

The fast-changing economic and industrial scenario, especially in the last few years, is making a huge difference between what skills candidates possess today and what the market demands for tomorrow. There exists a skill-gap! But, why do we at Lab Four say this with confidence? Because we have data to back our claims. In a lot of surveys, the truth that has come up is there is a gap between the skill levels that candidates in the job market supply and what the hiring managers look for. To refer to one such report, let us look at the state of tech hiring survey 2017.
Assessments of tech jobs by both hiring managers as well as candidates agree to the fact that there is a difficulty for employers in finding the right candidates or for candidates in landing a great job. And this match-making challenge is not unexpected. But what comes as a surprising fact is that only 12% (10% agree + 2% strongly agree) hiring managers think that talented tech workers face this difficulty to land a great job, whereas when it comes to candidates that same notion is held by a staggering 36% (29% agree + 7% strongly agree). Clearly, more candidates overestimate them as having enough skills to woo the employers than how much the employers find candidates meeting the respective jobs' skill requirements.
The same idea is echoed when it comes to what the two groups of respondents think regarding the difficulty of great companies being unable to find the matches from among the right candidates. While just 57% (45% agree + 12% strongly agree) candidates think that employers face the challenge of job-candidate matching, to trust the word from the horse's mouth it is as high as 69% of the hiring managers who acknowledge this challenge. Again, it is evident that candidates do fail to recognize the real level of this job-candidate mismatch and as a result, they are hardly focused on bridging the skill-gap.

Candidates, even if sincere in their efforts, may not always reach their destiny as they take the journey to a dream job. They spend hours searching for job posts on job listing sites, filter through them, build and modify their resumes, fill the application forms, and if lucky may even get the interview calls. But thereafter comes the moment of truth. Rejections are common, aren't they? The following graph shows the top reasons why such sincere and hardworking candidates miss the final step of getting an actual job offer.

As it can be inferred technical ability or, to word it rightly, lack of it is what employers see the main reason why they cannot fulfill their staffing needs. And in this information age, the tech jobs are for grabbing if you have the right kind of technical training in IT and computer-oriented courses. This is where an expert can play a role. Lab Four Professional Development Center has been a trusted partner in IT Training and Career Development and boasts of a successful track record of bridging the skill-gap between employer's demand and job market candidates, training people on cutting-edge computer courses, and unleashing their true potential

Our state-of-the-art classroom infrastructure, high quality and innovative learning solutions, and internet-based online accessibility have enabled us to cater to your learning needs the way it suits you – on campus classroom training, remotely accessible live online classes, or simply on-demand learning that gives you more freedom. Our experienced career coaches can review your resume and conduct mock interviews to make you job-ready. And at the end of this comprehensive process, you no longer miss that final step. You cross the bridge and win the dream job that you truly deserve.

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Feel free to email us at or call us at (901)-261-1111 to book an appointment for career assessment cum training needs evaluation. 


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