Top IoT Starter Kits

Reading about and understanding how everyday objects can become connected to the Internet is one thing. Actually making your home devices smart is another – and is now entirely possible thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) starter kits, available through a variety of major retail sites.

Amazon is one provider of these kits meant to make your life easier. Let’s look at the top three starter kits for sale, and what they include:

At under 50 dollars, this kit is one of the cheaper options, while still giving you the basics with a step-by-step guide on using the kit. The product description listed is:

“BeagleBone Green and Grove IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS is a fully-integrated kit that includes BeagleBone Green and Grove sensors and actuators with complied and optimized AWS IoT SDK so developers and makers can build cloud-connected projects quickly!”

This kit is a bit more expensive at around 80 dollars, but appears to be a step up from the previous BeagleBone kit. Although the second option provides more sensors than the first, both have similar descriptions and provide the same basic functions. This kit has only four reviews, making it potentially less reputable. 

Our third and final kit is the cheapest, costing 32 dollars, and also seems to be the most popular, with close to 50 reviews. Although the product description markets the kit as being a great place for beginners to start working with and understanding IoT, many reviewers with limited experience report having difficulty using the kit. Others seem to enjoy the various projects the kit allows them to accomplish. 

If you’re looking to start incorporating IoT into your own home, kits like these are a good place to start. Check them out, and if you have ever tried an IoT starter kit, let us know how it went in the comments! 


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