Lab Four and Greater Memphis Black Chamber of Commerce Are Training for Green Jobs

The Memphis Flyer wrote a while back about Lab Four working with the Greater Memphis Black Chamber of Commerce (GMBCC) to train people in green technology. Lab Four and GMBCC have partnered to train individuals in the booming field of weatherization. Through energy efficiency retrofits, residential home owners can experience huge savings on their energy bills - often over 30%. All an individual has to do is hire a certified energy auditor to audit their home for areas of energy loss. Once a detailed report has been made with recommended upgrades, a contractor can perform the retrofits and dramatically reduce the energy bill. Not only is it financially beneficial, it’s also good for the environment!

To give homeowners an incentive to weatherize their homes (as if saving money and helping the environment weren’t enough), Congress has proposed the Home Star Act to give tax breaks to individuals who make their homes energy efficient. The goal is to create a lot of jobs for contractors to do the work and to improve the environment. The bill has not passed yet, so check out Efficiency First’s site to find out how you can help.

If you want to get involved in this exciting field, come to Lab Four for training as a
BPI certified energy auditor. For those that have experience doing home retrofits, we have an upcoming Weatherization Bootcamp from May 9th – 14th so don’t miss out!  Contact us here to sign up.


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